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Minutes, April 6, 2010
City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes April 6, 2010

Members Present:  Cindy Donaldson, Jim Thibault, TJ Zapulla, Bill Battle, Greg Mele

Members Absent:  Mayor Bingham, Nancy Sieller, JoAnn Ryan, George Noujaim,  
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:12pm

  • Open meeting to Public
Commissioner Battle made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Thibault seconded the motion.  Motion carried
      2.  Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Battle made the motion to approve the March 2, 2010, minutes with correction, Commissioner Thibault seconded the motion and Commissioner Mele abstained. Motioned carried. The correction was in reference to the approval of the February minutes, the motion was made by Commissioner Battle and Noujaim.  Motion approved unanimously.

3.EDC Commissioner Opening
 Dawn Gutowski, has agreed to serve on the EDC, she had a prior commitment and could not attend the April meeting. We welcome her to commission.

4. ACT update: Rose updated the commission on ACT. They are currently working on Main Street Marketplace. Commissioner Zappulla was concerned that local vendors as well as out of town vendors be contacted.

5.      SWOT Analysis
        Jim Thibault, moderated this month’s SWOT discussion which focused on the City’s revised weaknesses and threats. Rose will email the Commissioners an updated SWOT sheet and Commissioners were asked to come prepared with action items for each opportunity and threat for the May meeting.  

6. New Business
P&Z is currently reviewing the incentive housing zone report. Commissioner Zappulla feels that the EDC should formally support the incentive housing zone.

Mike O’Neil from P&Z has been invited to address EDC next month to discuss the City’s temporary sign regulations. EDC members have expressed an interest in understanding the regulation and how it affects small businesses.  

Commissioner Zappulla, Rose Ponte, and Commissioner Noujaim visited KidCity, a children’s museum in Middletown. It was an extremely impressive museum and we plan to invite the museum director to come to Torrington and see if partnership opportunities might exist.

Torrington school superintendent, Mr. Chris Leone, has been invited to the June EDC meeting. Rose will work on discussion items for that meeting.